Knowledge and competence stand out

At Czulkowski Rental, we don't just talk about quality and expertise - we can prove it.Of course, we have all the major certifications and not only meet national and international standards, but in many cases exceed them.

Current certifications

Current certifications


Our quality management naturally follows general standards and has been certified according to ISO 9001. This guarantees optimized processes from which customers benefit.

SCC ISO / IEC 17024

The SCC certification for occupational safety carried out by DEKRA confirms our comprehensive knowledge of effective occupational safety in the areas of assembly and maintenance.

More than just standard

More than just standard

As a member of industry associations and communities such as the Bundesfachgruppe Schwertransport und Kranarbeiten (BSK) or the PartnerLIFT cooperative, we also meet and exceed their high standards, which are a condition of active membership.

The same applies, of course, to areas such as sustainability or compliance with social standards, where we place high demands on ourselves.

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